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Calm & Control

When you feel overwhelmed, or your mind is full of chatter, take your pick from our range of specially selected Pure Essential Oils. Relieve mental tension, relax your body and focus your mind, giving you the strength and confidence to take on the day.

Sweet Dreams Sleep Well Tincture

£6.50 €9.10

Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood Oil

£5.50 €7.70

Dill Oil

Dill Oil

£6.00 €8.40

Perfect Balance Emotional Recovery Tincture

Perfect Balance Emotional Recovery Tincture

£6.50 €9.10

Clementine Oil

Clementine Oil

£7.00 €9.80

Sweet Dreams Pillow Mist

Sweet Dreams Pillow Mist

£8.50 €11.90

Thyme Oil

Thyme Oil

£8.50 €11.90

Clary Sage Oil

Clary Sage Oil

£10.00 €14.00

Geranium Oil

Geranium Oil

£10.00 €14.00

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver Oil

£10.00 €14.00