Exfoliating Zone Sponge
This dual purpose sponge removes rough skin with one side, then smoothes over your favourite shower gel with the other.
£4.25 €5.31
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Very effective exfoliater on one side. standard sponge on the other. Shame its not £2.75 anymore!!
The only exfoliating sponge worth using. I now live in Australia and have to rely on friends bringing them out for me. Please start delivering over here soon.
Best ever exfoliating sponge. I've been using this product for 10 years and nothing else out there compares! Shower gels lather up very well with this and the exfoliating side is brilliant!
Have been buying these sponges for years (think they were £2.50 when I started!)
Recently needed to replace one in a hurry and bought one from a supermarket - it barely lasted a week!! Hope Virgin Vie never stops making these as they are the best that I have ever found. Good quality, long lasting and very effective.
I use mine everyday in the shower and it keeps my skin in tip top
I have searched and searched for a sponge that is soft but has an exfoliating side as well. I've lost count of the number of sponges and similar that I have bought and thrown away. This one is perfect!
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