Work from home and earn passive income!
Are you looking for an opportunity that allows you to work from home, earn extra money and be your own boss? Join VIE at home as a Consultant and we can offer you all that, as well as:
- Flexible working hours - choose the hours you want to work to fit around your lifestyle
- Free training to get you up, running and earning money very quickly
- Fabulous incentives
- Earn free Makeup
- New friends - we’ll introduce you to a whole new network of like-minded people
- Make extra money! Set your own goals and reach for the stars
There’s no experience needed! Many of our Consultants choose to make their VIE at home business a full-time career. Others use it as a chance to earn extra money, save up for a holiday, treat their family or see it as a profitable part-time job opportunity. But don’t just take our word for it, read on to see what our other Party Plan Consultants say.
Ready to start Partying for a living?
Then use the ‘sign up now’ button below to get started or click on the menu below to find out more.

If the prospect of earning extra money, whilst working the hours you choose from home isn’t exciting enough, we’ve got lots of like-minded women who join as VIE at home Consultants and soon find their lives taking a very positive turn! Here’s what they’ve had to say about a career with VIE at home.
“I don’t see this as a job that I go to in the evening. I just have nights out, earn extra income and love it!”
Clare Cotton, VIE at home Consultant
“I earned over £2000 to pay towards my wedding - it meant I could set the date sooner than I originally thought!”
Jenni Orsini, VIE at home Consultant
“Having finished my degree in Architecture I travelled the world but had no ‘proper job’ to come back to. I joined VIE at home and three months later, I can’t believe my luck. I earn good money, can present confidently, can carry out makeovers and facials and I’ve learnt to plan and manage my own time.”
Gemma Taylor, VIE at home Consultant
“I joined in April and had paid off all of my credit card debts by November. I then went on to pay for Christmas and have a splurge in the sales too! In just 8 months I had earned more than £2000 and it was doing something I loved!”
Jane Clark, VIE at home Consultant
“There isn’t another job out there that’s as rewarding as mine. I get so many thrills out of a working day be it a high value Party, a new Consultant achieving her incentive targets for the first time, a Manager getting recognition or one of the team earning their place on a fabulous incentive trip - the list is endless!”
Sylvia George, VIE at home Manager
“From day one I loved VIE at home. I held my first Party within a few weeks of joining and paid off all my debts in just two months. To begin with I thought the opportunity was too good to be true, but now I realise it’s the perfect opportunity for me. Plus it gives me the chance to work from home and spend lots of time with my family - there’s not many other jobs that can say that!”
Rebecca Berry, VIE at home Manager